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Category: Uncategorized

Keeping a Clean and Healthy Work Environment

Keeping a Clean and Healthy Work Environment

Sort Your Papers

Good grief! I thought computers were supposed to reduce the amount of paper we use and create a clutter-free work environment! My waste cans are over-flowing. There’s enough paper in piles on my desk to reach around the world. How can I dig out of this chaos?

Often when you decide you’ve just gotta do something about the mess, you wind up moving papers from one pile to the other. It may look a little neater after you’re done, but the problem is not solved.

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Make Organizing a Habit

Make Organizing a Habit

It’s easy to get lazy in a home office environment. Don’t fall into the trap! Commercial Office Cleaning

Treat your home office just like you would if it were in the bank building downtown. Before closing the door at the end of the day, take 15 minutes to clean up your desk and put everything away.

Starting your day with a clean, organized desk means you can resume where you left off the day before – without having to wonder, “Now, where did I put that??”

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Inset Column Widgets

Welcome to the Inset Column for the Evening Shade theme. As some people like to have a third column sidebar, the Inset column will provide you with that option which you can also disable anytime you want from the theme settings.
Majestic has demonstrated time and again how dedicated they are to superior service and attention to detail. They have shown through the years, a commitment to excellence that is unheard of in today’s business environment. No task has been too large for them to handle for me; any extra work required was done to perfection and in a timely manner. Mark B.