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Happy Flu Year

Winter is in full throttle, which means so is flu season. Here you will find tips to keep you healthy and flu-free for 2015.

Wash your hands.

Washing and sanitizing your hands often will help protect you from germs and prevent spreading them. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. Avoid touching railings and door handles when you can and use hand sanitizer when in doubt.

Avoid close contact.

Avoiding close contact with people who are sick will help prevent you from catching illness. Likewise, when you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick as well.

How Clean is Your Workspace?

Most of us are continually cleaning out our cars, homes, garages, closets – you name it. But, what we always aren’t on top of 100% of the time is cleaning and organizing our work stations. We come in at the beginning of the day, get right to work, and clock out when the day is through. Day after day we sit at our desk, sometimes have visitors stop by, and even eat at our desk. What we don’t realize or rarely think about is the amount of germs that can accumulate from us and our neighbors if we neglect our routine work space cleaning.

Germy Things You Touch While Shopping

It’s that time of year again — time to mentally prepare for warm, crowded stores, apple cinnamon and pine scents everywhere you go, and holiday music playing in your sleep. The holiday season has begun and that also means the beginning of your holiday shopping. But, what you probably aren’t thinking of preparing for is fighting off germs while you shop!

5 Germy Things You Touch While Shopping and How to Defend Yourself

1) Door Handle

First Impressions Are Important: What Does Your Lobby Say About You?

We all know first impressions are important. So, what is the first thing customers or clients see when entering your office or retail lobby? Hopefully the answer is a clean and polished area that makes your clients feel comforted and impressed. If you find that your lobby could use a little T.L.C., here are a few quick tips that can help make your lobby sparkle!

  • The store front is literally the first thing your customers see before entering your establishment. Make sure your windows are free of dirt, sparkling from window cleaner, and that your front door is also clean and polished, perhaps even the handle sanitized.

Hiring a Cleaning Service

#1 Cleaning Tip….

Hire a Cleaning Service!!!

Sometimes we just get too busy doing the important stuff to worry about being neat! It doesn’t take long for the clutter to stack up and all of a sudden, it’s out of control.

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Inset Column Widgets

Welcome to the Inset Column for the Evening Shade theme. As some people like to have a third column sidebar, the Inset column will provide you with that option which you can also disable anytime you want from the theme settings.
The performance of the crew has always been great. Majestic has provided us with professional, quality work, and I would recommend them to anyone in need of a professional cleaning service. Jeremy T.