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Category: Restroom Cleaning

Bathroom Cleaning Like a Pro

commercial cleaning company-columbus ohio

Perhaps one of the most dreaded, yet mandatory tasks we all face is bathroom cleaning. If not regularly cleaned and sanitized, the bathroom can become a filthy, bacteria-infested mess. Yikes! Don’t fret, though; we’ve come up with a list of 10 easy steps to a clean and sparkling bathroom.

1) Healthy & Green Cleaning Products

There’s so much debate on which is better and more ethical to use: store bought cleaners and disinfectants or green products you can make from items you most likely already have in your kitchen. Whichever end of the fence you’re on, find cleaning products that will effectively get the job done. We recommend products found in your kitchen (i.e. gentle soaps, baking soda and/or white vinegar) and will be showing you how to use them in the steps below.

Restroom Cleanliness Impacts Facility Perception

Commercial cleaning services-restaurant cleaning

According to a recent Harris poll survey, 86 percent of U.S. adults equate the cleanliness of a restaurant’s restroom with the cleanliness of its kitchen. The survey also revealed that 75 percent of U.S. adults would not return to a restaurant with dirty restrooms. Regardless of industry, clean restrooms directly impact a business’ ability Read More


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