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Bathroom Cleaning Like a Pro

commercial cleaning company-columbus ohio

Perhaps one of the most dreaded, yet mandatory tasks we all face is bathroom cleaning. If not regularly cleaned and sanitized, the bathroom can become a filthy, bacteria-infested mess. Yikes! Don’t fret, though; we’ve come up with a list of 10 easy steps to a clean and sparkling bathroom.

1) Healthy & Green Cleaning Products

There’s so much debate on which is better and more ethical to use: store bought cleaners and disinfectants or green products you can make from items you most likely already have in your kitchen. Whichever end of the fence you’re on, find cleaning products that will effectively get the job done. We recommend products found in your kitchen (i.e. gentle soaps, baking soda and/or white vinegar) and will be showing you how to use them in the steps below.

Achoo! A Guide to Improving Your Air Quality

Unfortunately, air pollutants are all around us and can cause health problems such as burning in the nose and throat, sore eyes, headaches, and general fatigue. Other pollutants (especially this time of year) can cause or worsen allergies, respiratory issues, cancer, and heart disease. It’s important to understand what pollutants are present and how to prevent them.

Common Pollutants:

  • Radon is a radioactive gas formed in soil. It can enter your home through cracks and openings in the floor and walls that are in direct contact with the ground.
    • Fast Fact: Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers

Majestic Building Maintenance Home Spring Cleaning Guide

It’s that time of year again – spring will be in full swing this month! Time to break out your shorts, t-shirts, and all things floral! Here at Majestic Building Maintenance, our favorite thing about spring is…

(cue drum roll)


Below you will find Majestic Building Maintenance’s Home Spring Cleaning Guide. Use this guide to get you and your family prepped and ready for spring and summer! To download a printable PDF of this list, click here.


  • Dust and clean light fixtures
  • Wash walls and the trim with a sponge and hot water

Hand Washing 101

Are your co-workers, friends, family, and strangers sneezing and coughing all around you? Do you find yourself holding your breath on the public transit and while you’re out shopping when someone around you coughs or sneezes? What can you do to avoid getting sick?

Wash your hands!

Simply washing your hands can help prevent flu, salmonella (bacteria from raw and undercooked food), hepatitis A, colds, food poisoning, mononucleosis and rotavirus. Hand washing is the number one (and easiest) thing you can do to help protect and prevent you and your family from getting sick.

Happy Flu Year

Winter is in full throttle, which means so is flu season. Here you will find tips to keep you healthy and flu-free for 2015.

Wash your hands.

Washing and sanitizing your hands often will help protect you from germs and prevent spreading them. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. Avoid touching railings and door handles when you can and use hand sanitizer when in doubt.

Avoid close contact.

Avoiding close contact with people who are sick will help prevent you from catching illness. Likewise, when you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick as well.

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Majestic has demonstrated time and again how dedicated they are to superior service and attention to detail. They have shown through the years, a commitment to excellence that is unheard of in today’s business environment. No task has been too large for them to handle for me; any extra work required was done to perfection and in a timely manner. Mark B.