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Germy Things You Touch While Shopping

It’s that time of year again — time to mentally prepare for warm, crowded stores, apple cinnamon and pine scents everywhere you go, and holiday music playing in your sleep. The holiday season has begun and that also means the beginning of your holiday shopping. But, what you probably aren’t thinking of preparing for is fighting off germs while you shop!

5 Germy Things You Touch While Shopping and How to Defend Yourself

1) Door Handle

The very first and last germy thing you touch while shopping is the door handle. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of people pass through the same door, which also means the transfer of the same amount of germs. But, don’t worry – your first line of defense is easy and inexpensive: hand sanitizer. You can pick up a travel size or even a large bottle of this at your local dollar store and a little goes a long way! I keep mine in my car for sanitizing between shopping trips.

Defense: If you can, lean into the door when entering and exiting. If not, use your handy dandy pocket sanitizer!

2) Cart Handle

The second germy thing you touch while shopping is the cart handle. While many stores provide sanitation wipes, some don’t. Simply apply a small dab of hand sanitizer (dime sized amount) onto the handle. It only takes a few second to dry and you’re good to go!

3) Railings

Elevator or stair railings are one thing we automatically touch without thinking while shopping and they can house a lot of germs. Safety is important, so if you don’t want to completely avoid the railing, sanitize once you exit!

4) Restroom Doors

In our minds, restroom doors are perhaps one of the grimiest things we touch while shopping. The wariest germ avoider will either lean into the door to open or immediately wash their hands before using the facilities. The biggest precautions here are to lean into the doors, if applicable, wash your hands thoroughly, and either use a towel to exit or sanitize after touching the door handle.

  1.  Wash hands thoroughly
  2. Use towel to open or lean into door
  3.  If all else fails, sanitize!

5) Checkout Countertop

The last thing you touch in the store (right before the door handle again) is the checkout countertop. Almost every shopper that passes through the doors during the holiday season makes a purchase, therefore, touching the countertops at checkout. To defend yourself from germs here, either avoid touching the countertop or sanitize once you leave.

Use these tips this holiday season to ensure a fun and germ free shopping season!

Are you a retailer that houses the five germy things listed here? Contact us to find out how our building maintenance services can help keep you and your customers germ free!


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Germy Things You Touch While Shopping
5 Germy Things You Touch While Shopping and How to Defend Yourself
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